There’s no shortage of buzz out there about Social Media etiquette, but it seems like plenty of people still manage to get themselves into trouble by posting things that get them in trouble at work or reflect poorly on the professional reputation that otherwise deserve.
Maybe gave a good general rule when they blogged recently that “The reality is that companies pay their employees to do a series of tasks. And unless those tasks involve managing the corporate social media accounts, there is no reason to be on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram during work hours.”
This is also true if you are working in or hoping to find an in-home position.
In-home positions can be isolating, and it may feel like you’re “at home” and therefore especially tempting to jump online. But the home you’re working in is essentially your “office” and spending time on social sites is taking away from your hours on the clock for the family you’re working for. Remember that your work references will specifically address your ability to stay on task. Spending time surfing or positing on your smart phone will get noticed by your employer and is likely to be remembered when your next potential employer calls for a reference.
Remember also that any agency you may work with, including Town + Country, will also be searching for you you on the Internet. A glowing reference is likely to be instantly disregarded if an agency or potential employer’s online searches shows up inappropriate or crude information.
Obviously you want to privatize your social media accounts, but anything you post may get shared by online friends whose privacy settings aren’t as carefully set as yours are. Before you post anything, think about how a potential employer will view that picture, comment, tweet, status update or post and ask whether it could keep you from losing a great opportunity in your job hunt. Whatever you post is out there forever whether you delete or not!
Happy job hunting!