Age Appropriate Activities
We know working with kids is one of the most rewarding and one of the most challenging jobs out there. We also know that coming up with different activities for different aged children can be tough. So, we compiled some activities by age for you here. Note: you should always check with the parents on whether or not activities are appropriate (if there is any question). Also remember that there is no one size fits all approach. You should go prepared with ideas in your back pocket, but always base activities off of conversations with parents and interactions with kids. If you scroll to the bottom, you can also find some additional resources that contain great ideas!
Articles by Age:
Newborn – One Year Olds
Two – Three Year Olds
Four – Five Year Olds
Six – Seven Year Olds
Eight – Nine Year Olds
Ten – Twelve Year Olds
Holiday + Seasonal Activities:
Summer Activities
Christmas Gifts
Additional Ideas:
Developmental Resources and Activities, birth to four years old from Early Learning Matters. This resource covers development benchmarks, plus literacy, social, math, and science resources for each age group.
Great Kid Friendly Activities: Great kid-friendly activities to do with kids – brought to you by Pinterest. This page includes great crafts, free outdoor activities and kid-friendly recipes!
16 sensory activities for toddlers and preschoolers – Sensory activities for toddlers and preschoolers provide fun, educational and unique ways for little kids to learn about the world around them
Virtual Lab School offers training and professional development resources, including written narrative, video, and skill building activities.